Company Profile
CareerBite.com, enabling students to showcase their employability.
It’s a one-stop platform that prepares students for the world of work. CareerBite’s unique tool will build a student their succinct personal CV profile statement in minutes, provides a ‘know yourself’ report and matches students to a work environment which best suits their strengths.
It also shares the secrets behind business success factors – learn how to demonstrate the behaviours most employers’ want, skills that make a student highly employable. This gives students the edge when it comes to applying for and being successful in work.
Careerbite.com was developed by listening to employers describe their frustrations that CV’s were ordinary, applicants were not prepared for the interview nor prepared for work once they started.
Students described their frustrations about having no way to really understand what employers want so how could they get well prepared.
Hearing these same frustrations described consistently over many years we knew there was a need and we wanted to do something about it.
Our coaching website is designed to enable 18-25 year-olds bridge the skills gap between education and the workplace. Our vision is to offer affordable online coaching, that anyone can sign up to and covers every aspect of getting the right job and keeping it.
Our content offers self-directed online coaching on everything from how to interview well through to knowing the right behaviours to be a successful employee and one all employers want.
Person-centric and strengths-focused, the coaching tool is designed to build confidence, self-esteem and personal skills so each person can get a job and keep a job, ideally one they are matched to and will love.
Business will benefit too by gaining motivated, skilled and self-directed employees who can fit in and add value to an organisation immediately.