Company Profile
FE Advice is the go to information and advice service for anyone interested in teaching in the Further Education and Skills sector. Our sector is the largest in scope and range: we teach over 3 million learners across colleges, workplaces, independent training providers, adult and community organisations, third sector organisations, and prisons. We teach learners from 14 to 64 and sometimes beyond. We teach an amazing range of subjects: if something is practised in a workplace somewhere. We probably teach it – from arboriculture to zoology; from mastic asphalt to false nails, we’ll have the training with the keen learners. It’s not school and it’s not university and so it has a flavour all of its own. And as you might imagine, with the scope and possibilities of the sector, you’re never bored.
For more information about teaching in the FE and Skills sector, give us a ring, 0300 3031877, send us an email, feadviceline@etfoundation.co.uk, or have a look at our website. Who knows? You might even be tempted.