I learned from the best!

  • 30/08/2023
  • Debbie Mendoza
  • Grads' Corner

I always had a wide range of interests even during my studies at Aston University’s business school where I was keen of knowledge, receptive to new ideas and (if I say so myself) adept at understanding difficult concepts and theories related to management.

I enjoyed applying quantitative and conceptual skills to analyzing business problems and did very well in projects and class discussions and was voted as one of the ten most promising students in my batch.

In addition to an MSc, I also hold a masters degree in business administration (MBA) from Pakistan. I have found research fascinating since my MBA course where I received a lot of recognition to have presented the best paper at a Departmental seminar, titled “The effects of the IT on the business”.

I have spent about 2.5 years exploring knowledge in business administration and management and believe the way of thinking that I have developed through my study of such practical subjects, together with the strong willpower that I have evolved in the process, are lifelong assets!

I started my career as a lecturer with The London School of Business & Finance, where I teach a range of business/management modules on MSc (Marketing) & MBA programs. While studying Information Systems is my prime objective, I have never allowed myself to be a bookworm. Instead, I always had a keen interest in literature, music; travel and nature help me maintain a sense of perspective in life. I have organised and participated in a number of extra-curricular activities during throughout my studies, including volunteering for The Hunger Project for about a year.

I have chosen to pursue an Internationally Educated Professionals (IEP) program considering LSBF’s overwhelming academic support, its vast amount of resources and abundance of friendly support staff.

I firmly believe that “the best way to learn is to learn from the best” – and I believe I am!

Asad is the founder of Unicorn Connexions Ltd, a management consultant firm for small businesses in the UK. His specialisms are enterprise resource planning (ERP), digital media marketing, individual and organisational trainer. 

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