Life coaching can help you to achieve the career you want!

  • 29/08/2023
  • Debbie Mendoza
  • Career Advice

So, you’ve been to University and you’re about to leave and enter the job market. You will probably have received lots and lots of advice about what you should do next, but do you really, really deep down know what it is you want and if you do know, are you sure it is what you want and not what somebody else thinks you should do with your life?

Coaching is a powerful process which you can use to achieve your goals. If you really want to be successful and make your dreams come true, then life coaching is for you. It’s about making positive changes in your life. It’s about moving forward and taking action towards your dreams and goals. It’s about examining where you are in relation to where you want to be and doing something about it!

The coaching process focusses entirely on you, the client. Your coach will often ask difficult questions, which will make you think differently or deeper about what it is that you truly want to achieve. It will have a powerful impact on the way you live your life and how successful you are, both now and in the future.

Coaching believes that we are all whole, complete and individual human beings. That each individual has unlimited potential. Coaching is about releasing that potential. Coaching is non-directive, only you know how best to live your life, it does no good for anyone to come along and tell you what to do, what coaching does is create an environment where you discover your own way forward, set yourself goals and make a plan of action towards those goals.

Goal setting

Goal setting is an important part of the coaching process. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? Coaching allows you to set yourself goals and through the coaching process, check that they are realistic and achievable – if you set an unrealistic target, you are setting yourself up to fail. Coaching will help you to review your goals regularly and check that you are still on course. As we all know, ‘life happens’ and therefore, our goals change and evolve as we move forward.

Beliefs and Values

Do you know what your beliefs and values in life are? And if you do, do you honour them in the way you live your life?

If our beliefs and values are not acknowledged in our lives, that is when we might feel stressed or anxious or simply that something is ‘not right’ in our lives.

Coaching helps you to recognise your beliefs and values and to align your life with them.

Happiness is when
what you think, what you feel
and what you do
are in perfect harmony


Do you sometimes have a nagging little voice in your head that tells you that you are not good enough or that you cannot possibly succeed at that? This is a negative belief. Coaching helps you to overcome your negative beliefs and move forward in your life.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”
Nelson Mandela

If you believe you will be successful then you will be. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool and can be used to turn negative beliefs into positive ones:

‘A frog fell into a pail of milk. The pail was filled half way with fresh milk.  The level of the milk was too low for the frog to reach the top of the pail.  The sides of the pail were high, and he could not climb out.  The frog kicked, and he swam in circles until he became tired.  He tried to close his eyes just to rest for a few seconds, but he sank to the bottom of the pail where his nostrils filled with milk.  He could not breathe.

He used his legs to push off the bottom and kicked with all his might until he came to the surface again.  He was so afraid, and he was so tired.  He just wanted to rest.  But every time, he quit kicking, he sank into the milk again and started to drown.

The frog did not give in to his fear or his tired legs.  He kicked and he kicked and he kicked and he kicked.

Then, something strange happened.  The milk began to turn thicker around him.  At first, this made kicking even harder.  The thickened milk tried to suck him to the bottom of the pail.  It was harder than ever to swim and to kick.  But, still the frog would not give up.

Finally, the milk turned thick enough that the frog could stand on top of it instead of sinking into it.  The milk had been turned into butter through all the kicking and turning and churning of the frog. The frog was able to climb out to safety and to return to his family.

Remember the Frog!

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